Head of Laboratory:
Jomartov Asylbek Abdrazakovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member. NIA RK. Scientific interests: Dynamics of machines and robotsContacts: e-mail:legsert@mail.ru


Total number of employees:5 people

Laboratory research areas:Mathematical modeling of kinematics, statics, dynamics and control of parallel rope robots, for further design of parallel rope robots, for creation of domestic prototypes of parallel rope robots, with further recommendation of their use in the industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Grants and projects:
1. AP09259339 “Development of methods for modeling and controlling parallel rope robots”, 2021-2023. 2. AP05134959 Development of methods and technology for designing power press machines based on new crank actuators

List of publications and monographs, patents
1. Jomartov, A., Kamal, A., & Abduraimov, A. (2021). A review of cable parallel robots. Satbayev University Bulletin, 143(3), 202–210. https://doi.org/10.51301/vest.su.2021.i3.27 , KKSON2 database. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(7(112), 67–75. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2021.237772, 52 percentile in Scopus3. 1 paper has been accepted to the international conference. Jomartov A, Kamal A, Abduraimov A. Strain gauge measurement system for the experimental research of mechanisms, machines, robots // The IFToMM Asian Mechanisms and Machine Science Conference. December 15-18, 2021 at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam. 4. An application for Eurasian patent KZ2021/017 “Earthquake simulator” dated 04/29/2021 based on a cable parallel robot has been filed.

Material and technical base/infrastructure for provision of services:
1. ZETLAB strain gauge station 2. Sony PX-Z903 high-speed camera. Two-channel vibration vibration meter (Kambalancer 2 Channel Vibration Meter, Vibration Moni4. UNI vibration meter5. UNI-T UT3726 tachometer. Intelligent USB CAN interface converter in a set ZET 71747. Intelligent strain gauge (dynamic measurements) ZET 7111 Tensometer-CAN