RSE by REM “Joldasbekov Institute of Mechanics and Engineering” of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan , Almaty, 050010, Shevchenko St. 28, Pavilion 6, room 108, telephone for inquiries 8 (727) 2726270, email, announces a competition for the vacant position of chief accountant.
General qualification requirements for competition participants:
A person with technical and professional, post-secondary (secondary special, secondary vocational) education in the relevant specialty (qualification) without any requirements for work experience, or general secondary education, special training according to the established program and work experience in accounting and control of at least 3 years is appointed to the position of an accountant..
Functional responsibilities:
1. accounting and tax records management;
2.2. calculation of taxes;
2.3. calculation of wages, benefits and other payments provided to employees;
2.4. maintaining a time sheet;
2.5. preparation and submission of statistical reports on wages and tax reports to the relevant authorities;
2.6. calculation and submission of insurance contributions to the relevant funds;
2.7. reconciliation with the tax authority on taxes and fees.
3.Work with primary documentation; preparation of accounting registers, cost calculations; depreciation calculation; preparation of a turnover sheet and general ledger. Form in accordance with the legislation on accounting
4. Organize the accounting of property, liabilities and business transactions,
incoming fixed assets, inventory items and
cash, timely reflection in the accounts of the accounting
accounting of transactions related to their movement, accounting of production costs and
circulation, execution of cost estimates, sales of products,
performance of works (services), results of economic and financial
activities of the organization, as well as financial, settlement and credit
5. Ensure the legality, timeliness and correctness of execution
documents, payroll calculations, correct calculation and
transfer of taxes and other mandatory payments to
state budget, pension and other insurance contributions,
payments to banks, funds for financing capital investments;
6. Monitor compliance with the registration procedure
primary and accounting documents, settlements and payments
obligations, expenditure of the wage fund, for the correct
calculating wages for employees of the organization, conducting
inventories of fixed assets, goods and materials and
funds, audits of the accounting organization and
reporting, as well as documentary audits in departments
7.Prepare information requested within the framework of audit and
tax audits in the Company.
8. Participate in the inventory and its implementation in accordance with
in the manner reflected in the accounting policy of the Company.
26. Provide managers, auditors and other users
financial statements comparable and reliable financial statements
information on accounting of assets and liabilities
Applications will be accepted from August 2 to September 2, 2024..
List of documents required for participation in the competition:
-Application for participation in the competition (free form) addressed to the first director of the enterprise;
– candidate’s resume with a 3×4 photo;
– Copies of educational diplomas and supplements to them;
– a health certificate on the state of health (medical professional advisory opinion) issued no more than six months before the date of submission of documents;
– A copy of the work book
– A copy of the identity document of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
– a copy of the military ID;
The competition participant has the right to provide additional information regarding his education, professional level, as well as documents confirming work experience and qualifications.
Documents must be submitted within 14 calendar days from the day following the publication of the announcement of the competition.
The official salary of an accountant according to the staffing schedule.