The objectives of the activity
The Academic Council is responsible for developing priorities and principles for the development of the Institute, creating a legislative mechanism for high-quality training of graduates, maintaining and increasing material resources and qualifications of employees, effective work of the team, and actively involving scientists in the field of mechanics, mechanical engineering and robotics in fundamental and applied research.
The activities of the University Academic Council are based on the principles of transparency and collective discussion of issues within its competence.
The main tasks of the Academic Council
- Creation of the necessary conditions for students and scientists of the Institute for the successful implementation of research projects and educational programs of postgraduate education;
- Ensuring high quality training of specialists in accordance with state general educational and international standards of higher and postgraduate education;
- Ensuring financial solvency and strengthening the material and technical base of the Institute;
- Promoting the further development of the Institute.
- Promoting the professional growth of the Institute’s scientists.
- Support and coordination of activities aimed at developing scientific initiatives of the Institute’s scientists, promoting their scientific and career growth, and attracting scientists to work in various departments of the Institute.
- Representation and protection of the interests of students and scientists of the Institute in the Academic Council of the Institute; expression of the opinion of scientists of the Institute on various aspects of professional activity and social security.
Main areas of activity of the Academic Council
- Definition of the concept of development of the Institute;
- Approval of the policies and development goals of the Institute;
- Amendments and additions to the Institute’s Charter;
- Approval of the structure of the Institute and its staffing schedule;
- Creation, reorganization and liquidation of the Institute’s divisions (laboratories, departments and others);
- Hearing annual reports from the CEO, heads of structural divisions, and research projects;
- Decision on opening new areas of scientific activity;
- Review and recommendation for publication of textbooks, teaching aids and educational and methodological developments;
- Approval of research topics for master’s and doctoral students and assignment of scientific advisors to master’s and doctoral students;
- Approval of the working curriculum, academic calendars, schedule of the educational process and making changes to them;
- Organization of control over the financial and economic activities of the Institute;
- Consideration of issues regarding the nomination of Institute employees and creative teams for government awards, honorary titles, and academic titles;
- Consideration of other issues of the Institute’s current activities that require a collegial decision.
- Organization of scientific conferences, seminars, symposia with the participation of scientists of the Institute.
- Submission to the Academic Council and the Directorate of the Institute of reports and notes describing scientific and social problems facing the scientists of the Institute, the solution of which requires measures to be taken by the Academic Council and the Directorate of the Institute.
- Assistance in organizing independent examination of the results of scientific research by scientists, uniting the efforts of scientists to develop priority areas and topics of scientific research at the Institute.
- Providing organizational and methodological support to scientists of the Institute in publishing scientific papers in periodicals and scientific collections.
- Dissemination of information about foundations that provide grant support to scientists, scholarships and other targeted funds to stimulate research, creative and educational activities, internships and the implementation of scientific research results.
- Organization and provision of participation of the Institute’s scientists in scientific paper competitions; participation in the discussion of competition papers.
- Providing assistance in organizing trips of Institute scientists to conferences, internships or scientific missions. Petitioning the Institute’s management for sending Institute scientists to participate in scientific conferences, internships or scientific missions.
- Dissemination of information about the activities of the Council, events held, decisions made, best practices, available opportunities to improve the effectiveness of scientific research and exchange of experience on the pages of periodicals, on information stands, and on the Institute’s website.
- Creation and maintenance of an information bank of scientists; establishment and maintenance of contacts with them for the purpose of conducting joint projects and organizing scientific research.
Composition of the Academic Council
- Ualiev Zair Gakhipovich – Chairman of the Academic Council, prof., doctor of technical sciences.
- Kuatova Moldir Zhangeldievna – Deputy Chairman of the Academic Council, PhD
- Isova Ainur Tanirbergenkyzy – Secretary of the Academic Council, Ph.D.
- Tuleshov Amandyk Kuatovich, prof., doctor of technical sciences, Scientific Advisor of IMMash
- Toibekov Saken Alzhamagatovich
- Jomartov Asylbek Abdrazakovich, prof., doctor of technical sciences.
- Moldabekov Meirbek, prof., doctor of technical sciences
- Ibraev Sayat Muratuly, Doctor of Technical Sciences
- Kaltaev Aidarkhan Zhusupbekovich, prof., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
- Teltaev Bagdat Burkhanbayuly, prof., doctor of technical sciences
- Bisembaev Kuatbay, prof., D.Sc. (Eng.)
- Temirbekov Erbol Saduakhasovich, prof., doctor of technical sciences
- Dzhamalov Nutpulla Kamalovich, Associate Professor, PhD
- Zhapbasbaev Uzak Kairbekovich, prof., doctor of technical sciences
- Iskakov Zharilkasin, prof.,PhD
- Seydakhmet Askar Zhunisuly, associate professor, Ph.D.
- Zakiryanova Gulmira Kozhakhmetova, Prof., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
- Imanbaeva Nurbibi Sayramovna, Ph.D.
- Rakhmatulina Ayaulym Bagdatovna, associate. prof. PhD
- Alimbaev Chingiz Abdraimovich, PhD
- Kaimov Suleimen Talgatovich, PhD
- Abduraimov Azizbek Eralievich
- Kamal Aziz Nutpulla-ogly
- Kerimkulov Daniyar Beibituly, Chairman of the SMU Institute