Head of the laboratory: assoc. prof.Seidakhmet A.Zh, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Research interests: Mechanics of robots and manipulators
Contacts: e-mail: seydakhmet@mail.ru
Total number of employees: 7 people
The laboratory’s research areas are the design of mechanisms, machines and robots.
Grants and projects:
- AP09260130 “Dynamics, stability and positioning accuracy of a mobile robot with a universal parallel lift on the effects of stochastic external disturbances and vibration activity of the manipulation system”
- PCF “Development and implementation of medical robots and intelligent systems in Kazakhstan to improve the system of diagnosis and treatment of patients in a pandemic”.
List of publications and monographs, patents
- Azamat Yeshmukhametov, Koichi Koganezawa, Askar Seidakhmet, Yoshio Yamamoto. A Novel Passive Pretension Mechanism for Wire-Driven Discrete Continuum Manipulators. Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, January 12-15, p. 1168-1173, 2020.
- Seydakhmet A.Zh., Tuleshov A.K., Abdraimov E.S., Abduraimov A.E., Gritsenko I.S., Kaltaev A.Zh., Noruzbaev J.D. Support and lifting device. The decision to grant a Eurasian patent under the Eurasian application No. 201900336. October 29, 2020. Moscow, M. Cherkassky Lane 2.
- Azamat Yeshmukhametov; Koichi Koganezawa; Askar Seidakhmet, Yoshio Yamamoto. Wire-Tension Feedback Control for Continuum Manipulator to Improve Load Manipulability Feature. 2020 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM). 6-9 July 2020. Boston, MA, USA, USA.
- Gritsenko I.S., Gritsenko P.S., Seidakhmet A., Kwolek B. Plane-based Humanoid Robot Navigation and Object Model Construction for Grasping. 4th ECCV International Seminar 2018 – September 9, 2018, p 649-664, Munich, Germany.
Types of services provided: Research of kinematics and dynamics, 3D design and manufacture of machines and robots.
Material and technical base/infrastructure for the provision of services:
- The program. provided. Autodesk Inventor
- The program. provided. APM WinMachine
- Photopolymer printer
- The pipe bending is mechanical.
5 The machine is a mechanical bending machine. 6. Industrial 3D printer Arcam A2X